Childhood Heroes
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Childhood Heroes Ch 6

By LeonardosGirl80



Ariel enters Jessie’s office and everyone looks.

“Ok you’re an hour early. Are you feeling ok?”

She laughs.

“Yea I am. Don and I became a couple as of today. He was my favorite years ago and now he’s my man. Where’s Serena?”

Jessie looks.

“She’s still home Ariel. She won’t be in till 4:30pm. Go get your notes so we can figure out how they want this storyboard.”

She enters Kevin’s office and grabs her notes then she goes back to Jessie’s office. When they turn toward the computer Raph nudges Leo.

“Bro did you tell her yet? Are you ever going to tell her about you and April? Haven’t you noticed she’s been ignoring you since she watched the concert a few nights ago?”

Leo looks.

“She hasn’t been avoiding me bro and yes I have intentions on telling her when we can talk alone. Stop worrying about it already. You have your own relationship to deal with.”

His shell cell rings and he answers.

“Leo here what’s wrong April and why are you crying?”

“Leo we have to talk its very important get here before Casey returns please.”

Leo looks.

“Ok I’ll be right over try to calm down April. Give me about 30 minutes.”

Jessie overhears and whacks the keys as she tries to line up each scene on the screen.

Leo hears the keys banging and looks.

“Uh oh you were right Raph she’s pissed off at me. What am I supposed to do? April needs to talk to me and I’m about to get in a fight if I say a word to my girl; oh shell my life freakin sucks! Well here goes nothing.”

“Jessie I have to go by April’s I’ll be back shortly.”

She glares at him.

“Go on I don’t care if you do come back. Just leave me alone tonight I’m so mad at you right now it’s not even a joke! Go Leo!”

He looks.

“No way I’m calling April to tell her to deal with it herself. Right now I need to talk to Jessie before I end up without a girlfriend.”

Jessie looks.

“No take your shell over there I don’t want to hear or see you right now! Just go I mean it!”

He looks.

“But Jess….”

She leaves the computer and slams the door to Alyssa’s office and Raph looks.

“Whoa she’s pissed. Go on Leo I’ll talk to her for you. You just better hope that all she wants to do is talk. I can’t believe how dumb you were the night we came back…man she was like our friggin sister how could you?”

Leo sighs.

“I’m still trying to figure it out bro. I have no idea why I did it. All I know is she better have a reason for me to leave my girl to run by her apartment. I’ll be back shortly.”

Raph sighs.

“Yea go on Leo. Try not to fall for it again please all we need is Casey to find you two busy and that’s my shell kicked in.”

Leo laughs.

“Please you’ll hurt him stop thinking like that. I’m not a teen anymore bro I have more sense now. Tell Mike and Don to get pizzas on their way here ok?”

“Ok Leo I will. Let me go try to talk to Jessie. She is really upset.”

Leo sighs and exits the studio toward April’s apartment using the shadows.

Raph knocks on the door when he hears Jessie crying.

“Jess can we talk please; I may be his brother but I am a friend of yours tell me what’s wrong.”

She looks up from Alyssa’s desk and wipes her tears.

“He never told me about April. I didn’t figure it out till I watched the concert again. Then I remember talking to April and hearing his voice the night your tour ended.”

Raph looks.

“Jessie look at me and listen. Leo loves you a great deal he was going to tell you about that night but every time he tried to we had to show up. One thing I can tell you is that was years ago he has no interest in her anymore. His heart is only for you no one else. Stop being so mad at him please?”

Jessie looks and cracks a smile.

“Ok I’ll try to calm myself down. Thanks Raph I’m glad I have you as a friend. Come on let’s exit here before Alyssa takes her chance.”

He looks puzzled.

“Alyssa’s chance to do what exactly? Jess what are you talking about?”

Jessie watches as Alyssa enters the office.

He gets up and exits the office and sits on the couch and puts his head back and sighs.

Alyssa looks at her.

“Thanks a lot Jess I was going to try to get him on. Why did you tell him what I was up to?”

Jessie looks.

“Because of Mike’s reaction after him and Serena went to that level. Hello you’re with Raphael the hot tempered one. Are you crazy let him make the 1st move don’t do that.”

She looks.

“Oh yea what about you huh Jessie? Well don’t look at me and tell me that you don’t want to push Leo down sometimes and experience it? I know you better than that we’ve been best friends since we were like 7?”

Jessie sighs.

“No not recently hello I just got with him a few nights ago. I’m still clue less on exactly what went on with him and April. I’m not about to sleep with him; I’m not the type that moves fast or have you forgotten?”

Alyssa looks.

“Well you did with Jon didn’t you? On homecoming night am I right or wrong?”

Jessie looks.

“No Alyssa it was prom night and we were together for 3 months. Besides I got drunk that night I had no idea what I did till the morning after when I couldn’t move at all; and had that sharp piercing pain below. Especially waking up with nothing on wasn’t fun it was scary as hell. Believe me if I was sober I would have never done that with him and you know it.”

She sighs.

“Yea you’re right about that? Are you sure you did I don’t remember you drinking that was your twin sister Marisa. Let’s go to the doctor and find out shall we? Come on Jessie I don’t think you did anything with any guy you went with they were all jerks. Your sister slept with every friggin guy she went with and ended up in bad shape.”

Jessie looks and sighs.

“Ok let’s go then. I have an appointment at 5pm anyway.”

She looks at Raph.

“Umm Raph I have an appointment with my doctor. If Leo gets back before we do tell him I’m sorry but he needs to fill me in on his relationship with April before I can trust him.”

Raph looks.

“No problem Jessie I’ll make sure I tell him. See you shortly. You too Alyssa believe me when I’m ready you’ll be the 1st to know see you later love you.”

She kisses him on the lips and follows Jessie out to her car and they drive down to the doctor’s office.

Jessie arrives and goes in right away. After the check up she looks at Alyssa.
”Ok you proved a point I am still inexperienced. No wonder why Jon tried to force me we lived together and I wouldn’t do anything with him because of his drinking. Wait a minute I dumped him after I caught him in bed with my damn sister. How could I be so stupid and take him back after catching him with another woman and the woman happened to be my sister Marisa? Oh man Alyssa thanks for reminding me.”

She smiles.

“No problem it was my pleasure. Speaking of the slut there she is Jess?”

Marisa approaches Jessie.

“Well Ms. Live in Make Believe World how you been still haven’t experienced being with a guy? What are you gay or something? You’re 24 and haven’t been touched by a guy yet?”

Jessie glares at her.

“Ok let’s get one thing straight sister dear I’m not gay. I’ve just had bad luck with guys because they think I’m you and think I’ll put out when I’m nothing like you and smarter than you ever will be. You try to get with my new boyfriend I will personally hurt you do I make myself clear now move out of my way you slut!”

Marisa looks.

“Ok Jessie have you seen Jon? Well tell him to meet me by the beach under the pier so we can….”

Jessie laughs.
”Yea I saw him earlier but he’s dead. Oh sorry I forgot to mention it to you go sleep with his brother you’re good at that. I need to get back to my office bye Marisa!”

Alyssa and Jessie head back toward the office and she sees Jon.

“Oh no Leo killed his brother. Hide me Alyssa if he sees me he’ll think I’m my sister and try to attack me again.”

Alyssa looks and they get in Jessie’s car and head back toward the office. Jon sees Marisa thinking she was Jessie.

Marisa looks.

“Oh there you are let’s go somewhere so we can be alone and get busy Jonny boy! I want you so bad!”

He looks and smiles.

“I knew you’d give in soon enough; oh yes let’s go by the beach and get busy shall we?”

Leo arrives at April’s and sees Jon and Jessie together and starts to get angry.

Just then his shell cell rings and he answers.
”Ok now I’m confused who is that screwing Jon on the sand?”

Jessie sighs.
”Leo it’s my twin sister Marisa the slut. I’m not like that at all just thought I’d let you know before you think I’d go back with that ass hole.”

He scratches his head.

“Didn’t I kill Jon earlier today yes or no?”

He looks and gets sick.
”Ok never mind my katana grazed his stomach lucky for him. I’m going to stop looking before I get myself sick. Jessie I promise after I talk to April I’ll tell you about us love you babe Leo out.”

She smiles and responds back.

“Love you too Leo. Jessie out.”



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The characters Leonardo,Donatello,Raphael,Michelangelo,April ONeil, Casey Jones are property of Mirage Studios, and some characters are my own DO NOT STEAL!!!!!!!