Celeste's Story

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Celeste’s Story!!!K+

By Shana_LEO80



My name is Celeste and my story begins here. I’m a 19 year old jock who has won a lot of races well known too. But also am mixed up in a bad relationship right now and have been since I was 16 after Homecoming. I am also a female ninja who has been practicing ninjutsu since I was 6 years old thanks to my Uncle who has been teaching for a long time and his students are well known. Including myself and my cousin Amerie who lost her life in our last tournament against Ryan who was her boyfriend at that time. Making me give up my ninjutsu and becoming a jock.

My alarm goes off at 9am and I notice Jason wasn’t next to me. I wake up and am relieved that I will be able to get out of here without bruises for once. I go in my closet and look at my last award from my final tournament against my ex boyfriend. Looking at the date my eyes fill with tears; It was this day 2/22/96 that my cousin Amerie lost her life in tournament against Ryan because he was losing. Then when he sees the clock moving fast he made his move; using his flying dragon and kicking her right in her throat making blood spurt all over the arena floor. I had just finished my round against my ex Tony defeating him in battle. When we saw her rushed to the hospital after she fell. Then later that night the awful news, “Amerie died at 17 because the wound was so deep and she lost a lot of blood.”

Then that same night Ryan was arrested and put away charged with attempted murder. A month later he was charged with manslaughter and served time for it. That was my last tournament and the reason why I don’t practice ninjutsu anymore.

I put my trophy back in my closet and cover my katana and close the door. Then I head downstairs and off to work. While I wait at a red light I see Ryan and Jason with Hun and gulp. “No way they know each other.” As I wait for the light to change I notice a newspaper article dated two months after Ryan was put in jail stuffed under the passenger seat. I open it and see my face and name mentioned in the trial against Ryan. Then see DECEIVER written in red; knowing it was Jason’s handwriting and gulp; it finally occurred to me why he beat me up.

I watch as the light turns green and say to myself, “I need to get away from him tonight before he has me killed.”

I pull up to the shop and take the article with me. April sees me and goes to tell them to leave but notices they were already gone. Then she sees the truck take off down the street.

I enter the shop and punch in 15 minutes early and sit at my desk to read the article about Ryan’s trial.

April enters, “Hey Celeste what are you reading? Why do you look scared is something wrong?”

I hand her the paper, “Yea April my life is in danger that’s what’s wrong; read what he wrote by my name and picture. I need to get away from him tonight before he has me killed.”

“Why would he have you killed Celeste? Don’t be ridiculous.”

Lotus walks in, “Celeste did you hear; Ryan is out of jail today and I need to tell you something else.”

“Tell me what Lotus?”

“Ryan is Jason’s step brother and they are really close; that’s why I told you not to get involved with him. Now what are you going to do? You can’t go back to the apartment with him Celeste he’s really pissed off at you and very dangerous. I’d let you live with me but I live with my parents still sweetie.”

I put my head down and sigh, “Yea I know; I need to stay with someone and away from him.”

April reads the article, “Celeste you never told me you were a female ninja and competed in tournaments why did you hide that from me?”

“Because I’m not a ninja anymore I gave it up after he killed my cousin. I race horses now and that’s the end of it. So drop it already I’m not talking about it.”

Jason and Ryan walk in and I disappear into the back room before they spot me.

 April follows me back to the room and says, “ Celeste you can move in with me sweetie I’ve been asking you to for the longest time; I can’t see you get hurt anymore by that ass hole. You will be safe with me I assure you of that I also know some ninjutsu no one will be able to harm you with me around please.”

“Ok April I accept. Thank you so much for caring about me you’re like the older sister I never had.”

In the meantime Lotus looks at Ryan, “You know you killed Amerie on purpose; you just couldn’t lose to a girl admit it now!”

I hear Lotus scream and run out of the back room, “Leave her alone right now Ryan she has nothing to do with you getting put away it was me. I testified against your sorry ass. I saw what you did to her. As for you Jason, “All the abuse ends tonight I’m leaving you understand. You try to touch me one more time and I swear I’ll hurt you now leave and get out of my face!!”

He turns to Ryan, “Go on get out of here. Tell Hun I’ll be out in 10 minutes unde4rstand now go.”

He grabs my arm, “You listen to me now Celeste you will die soon I promise you that. So if I was you I’d leave town because you will be killed by the dragons understand. You were my first love and betrayed me by putting my step brother in jail for no reason at all! Now you crossed over the wrong line you will lose your life for betraying me understand!”

I pull away from him, “Let’s get one thing straight. You don’t scare me Jason you try to kill me I swear on my honor you won’t succeed now let go of me before I hurt you severely! We are OVER!!!!!! NOW GO!!!”

He walks out the door and throws a dagger at me and I catch it in the air and throw it right by his feet.

“Keep practicing you Purple Dragon loser!”

He disappears out the door and Lotus and April just look at me and say nothing.

It’s about 2pm and time for my lunch break; I clock out and head to mine and Jason’s apartment to get my stuff making sure he wasn’t there. After I get my clothes and bathroom stuff. I go in my closet and take my katana, stars, and headband to the car and put them in my trunk along with all my trophies from the many tournaments I have won since I was 12 years old. Holding the last one to my heart I say to myself, “Celeste you are a ninja; don’t give it up because of what happened to Amerie it wasn’t your fault. You can’t just deny it and you know it.”

I use my key to lock the front door and head to April’s apartment and get my room together. Then I put the box with all my stuff at the top of my closet and close the door. I pull my katana from my harness and look at them and remember the day my uncle gave them to me and smile. I also stare at the dark blue headband with our family’s sign and put it away in my drawer along with my ninja outfit. After I clean my blades I put them back in my harness and put them with my trophies.

I leave my room and head out the door to get a bite to eat; giving me 30 minutes to eat and digest my food. Thinking about Jason and how he threatened me knowing I need to really be aware of my surroundings when I leave tonight. I finish eating and drinking then pay the lady at the counter and head back to work in my car.

I get back at about 3:30pm and finish my inventory reports sitting at my desk typing them into the computer and printing them. After I print them out I give them to Lotus so she can file them and put them away.

Her shift ends at 5pm and she waves to us, “Bye Celeste and April see you two on Wednesday Ciao!”

April and I wave to her as she goes out the door and I watch her get into her car and drive away. Then I head back inside for my last hour of my shift.

The clock hits 6pm. I go to the clock and punch out.

“April are you coming home tonight? Or do you have a date with Casey?”

“No Celeste I won’t be home I have a date with Casey tonight. Then we’re going back to his place to celebrate our 3 year anniversary. Just be careful going home ok sweetie.”

“Ok April I will thanks again see you tomorrow have fun!”

“I will believe me Celeste go home and get some sleep ok. “

I exit the shop and get in my car and drive towards our apartment. The parking lot is across from our building. So I’ll need to cross the street to get to our apartment. I hit my alarm and proceed towards the building with caution. As I cross I hear trash cans falling over in the alley and look to see if anyone was behind me. I can’t see anything but darkness. Just when I thought I was safe they surround me.

“Look boys let’s teach her that lesson shall we.” I see Jason leading them all towards me.

“I told you Celeste you will die for betraying me. Any last words before I slit your pretty little throat huh?”

He pushes me up against the wall and kisses my neck several times. Using his hands he undoes my jeans. I look in his eyes and the fear takes me over making me freeze. I scream, “Some one help me please.”

Out of the shadows I see 4 figures lunge at the dragons and knew now was my chance to escape. I almost make it before Jason grabs me and smacks me across the face making me hit the concrete. Causing me to black out.

I come to and notice 4 figures standing in the shadows.

“Thank you for saving me whoever you are. I can usually defend myself except against my ex boyfriend. “

I see one of the figures come into the light and think I’m seeing things.

“I am either knocked out or there is a huge turtle with a headband standing in front of me right now. “

He speaks, “Are you ok you hit your head pretty bad. My name is Leonardo but you can call me Leo for short.”

I hear my cell ring and answer it, “April OMG thank goodness it’s you. I’m seeing things some huge talking turtle with a blue headband saved me from Jason and his purple dragons.”

She laughs, “Celeste sweetie you’re not seeing things that’s Leonardo mine and Casey’s friend you don’t have to be afraid of him. He saw you in trouble and came to your rescue like a ninja usually does. Tell him April wants to talk to him.”

I take my cell and hand it to him, “Umm Leo my friend April wants to speak to you.”

He takes it and resheathes his katana, “Yo April Leo here; is she a friend of yours by any chance?”

“Yes Leo that’s my friend Celeste. Why don’t you 4 and her come to Casey’s apartment we just put some pizza on for dinner. Then I’ll tell you more about her ok deal.”

“Ok we’ll be there in 15 minutes I need to call Splinter and tell him we’ll be at Casey’s. Leo out.”

He hangs up my cell and hands it to me, “Here you go Celeste any friend of April’s is a friend of ours. Bros you 3 can come out she’s a friend of April and Casey’s.”

I take Leo’s hand when he helps me up. “Thanks Leo for coming to my rescue I need to train a little more.”

“You’re very welcome Celeste; if you need training I’ll be more than glad to help you out I am a master of the twin katana as you can see.”

Leo introduces his brothers to me, “The one in orange is Michelangelo always reading his comics. Excuse me for a minute.”

He whacks him upside the head, “Yo earth to Mikey introduce yourself already.”

“Oww Leo that hurt gees I get the message.”

He shakes my hand, “Hello Celeste my name is Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey or Mike for short.”

The one in the purple shakes my hand, “I’m Donatello but you can call me Don or Donny for short. “

Leo sees me move away from his brother in the red head band.

“Celeste don’t mind him that’s Raphael he has a very bad attitude with everyone especially me.”

“Stop glaring at her Raph she’s not a dragon shell for brains. This is Celeste and she’s a friend of April’s and a female ninja.”

Raph just glares, “Yea whatever you say Leo I don’t really give a damn I don’t trust her like I didn’t trust Karai.”

Leo glares at him, “ What did I tell you about mentioning her name around me Raph are you looking to get your shell kicked in? I’m back to myself now I’ll hurt you and you know it keep on pushing my patience. This is the last time I’m telling you understand. Now let’s go we are due at Casey’s for pizza.”

I see him take out a phone shaped like a turtle shell and ask Donnie, “What is that Leo is using?”

“It’s a shell cell we use to keep in touch and when we’re in trouble I’ll make you one later ok Celeste.”

“Thank you Don I’d appreciate that a lot. No telling when Jason will attack me again I just recently dumped him and he didn’t like it at all.”

“I can see that.”

Leo hangs up his shell cell, “Ok Master Splinter knows we’ll be at Casey’s shall we go?”

We all get in a really fast truck and head towards Casey’s.

When we pull up April comes out and grabs me, “Thank goodness they helped you Celeste he would’ve killed you if they didn’t you still fear him.”

All of us enter Casey’s apartment.

“Hey guys how you doing it’s been awhile. I can see that you met Celeste.”

Raph just sits on the couch in silence and Casey walks over to him, “Will you knock it off shell for brains she’s not like you know who. She has known April and I for years believe me she won’t deceive us. You are being ridiculous Raph I swear. Not all female ninjas are on the evil side.”

He finally comes over to me, “Sorry about the way I acted Celeste my name is Raphael but you can call me Raph for short. It’s just something happened to my brother on Saki’s ship after he saved her life. I’m still trying to get over it but I know you aren’t like her and for that I apology.”

“It’s ok Raph I know who you’re talking about I despise her myself.”

We all eat the pizza and drink soda while we watch a movie in the living room. I am sitting by Leo.

I see him staring at me from the corner of his eye then when he sees me looking he turns back towards the TV.

I had no idea what that is for. I just continue watching the movie. I put my head on his shoulder and fall asleep.

Casey looks, “Leo I guess you make her feel secure was it you who went after Jason?”

“Yea it was why you asking Case?”

“Because she seems secure by your side. Don’t you see her asleep on you or no?”

“Yea I do be quiet and let her sleep then. I’ll get her up when the movie ends so I can take her home.”

Raph looks, “ Yo bro I guess you have a new best friend are you going to train her so she can get over her fear of him where I was standing she really was afraid of him. Who knows what happened to her while they were together.”

Leo looks, “I know what he did to her I seen it twice in a pizza parlor. He always had a habit of smacking her across the face and she just took it. Don’t worry I’ll help her out with her skills. She is a skilled ninja; she just needs a little more practice that’s all.”

April looks at Leo, “ Believe me he did more to her than just smack her across the mouth Leo when you get to know her she’ll tell you and you’ll understand why she fears him the way she does.”

I wake up and Leo looks, “Are you ok now Celeste?”

“Yea Leo I am I’m sorry I fell asleep on you. I’m just so tired.”

“It’s ok Celeste I didn’t mind at all really.”

“Come on its getting late we’ll take you home so you can sleep. Don will give you the shell cell next time we see you ok.”

“Ok Leo let’s go I think those two want to be alone anyway.”

Raph just stares, “Oh man let’s go I’m not in the mood to hear those two.”

We all exit the apartment and Casey locks the door.

Leo walks me to the door and watches as I go inside then I look out the window as they drive down the road. I go to bed thinking about how Leo’s shoulder felt so right when I fell asleep on him. Wondering if it was possible I have fallen for a huge turtle.

I get ready for bed and fall asleep immediately thinking about Leo.




The characters Leonardo,Donatello,Raphael,Michelangelo,April ONeil, Casey Jones are property of Mirage Studios, and some characters are my own DO NOT STEAL!!!!!!!