Family Ties
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Family Ties



Mike looks at the beer he drank and buries his head. Then he goes upstairs to his and Amy’s bed passing out. Mike Jr. goes in their room and laughs quietly.

‘He’s drunk again time for me to practice for my last test against dear old Cousin Donny. After we fight and I beat him I’ll be a full fledged foot ninja and no one can stop me either.’

Don sits on the porch drinking his lemonade and watches as Mike Jr. walks down the street and disappears. His son exits the house and looks.

“You want to know where he’s off to. He’s going to practice for his last test to become a foot ninja and get this dad he needs to fight Cousin Leo even though he thinks it’s me he’s fighting. Camilla forgot to mention that part to him; so he has no idea what he’s messing with does he?”

Don nods his head in agreement.

“Nope he doesn’t come on Jr. it’s  time to continue your training. You still need help mastering your flying dragon am I right? Well I’ll show you how grandpa taught us and it should be a little easier for you to master. Let me get my Bo and I’ll meet you in the dojo ok. Go warm up and I’ll be right there I promise.”

Don Jr. nods his head and heads to the dojo. He looks at a photograph of his father, uncles, aunts, and grandpa and cries as he stares at Master Splinter holding the picture to his heart. He puts it down and washes off his face then he ties his head band around his brow. Then he uses his Bo and practices against the dummy shaped like a foot ninja. He tries to be as good as Don but knows that his dad didn’t really master his skills till he was 17 turning 18. He focuses and attempts to do the flying dragon and falls. Then he gets back up and attempts it again and falls once again.

‘What is wrong with me? Why can’t I get this thing right maybe if I focus a little more I’ll succeed? Well here I go again; come on let me get it right for once I’m almost 15 I should’ve mastered this move by now. Cousin Leo did and so did Cousin Lisa and Reita why can’t I?’

Don walks in and looks.

“Jr. watch me and see how it’s done. Pay close attention this flip is a ninja’s best escape plan. Your Uncles and I always used it when we tried to avoid getting hit by the foot’s stupid lasers.”

Don puts his Bo in his harness and jumps really high flipping back and ends up on the other side of the dojo and turns to his son.

“Go on now you try. Focus Jr. and you’ll do it. It took me a while to master my flying dragon. Your uncles mastered it with ease especially Leonardo he did it the 2nd time he tried.”

Don sees tears form in his dad’s eyes and looks walking by him to give him a hug.

“Dad if you miss them so much go see them. I think Uncle Leo and Uncle Raph would like to know where you’ve been. Mom has his address and his cell #; dad it’s been 12 years since you have spoken to them. I know you miss them I hear you cry every time you mention one of their names. Dad please for your own sake and Uncle Mike. He has a drinking problem and can’t see what his son is trying to become. The only one he’ll listen to is Uncle Leo. Aunt Amy can’t get through to him and they’re married 12 years. He ignores you and grabs another beer and yells at you for no reason when you’re only trying to be his elder brother and help him.  I’ll be in here practicing just in case Cousin Leo needs my help tomorrow when Mike makes his move.”

Don nods his head and hugs his son.

“Ok Jr. I’ll go by your Uncle’s house. Remember to focus and you’ll be fine. I’ll be back shortly. Let me get the address from mom.”

Don enters the house and Angel looks.

“Honey you were crying again weren’t you? I have their address; if you want it just ask me for it. He’s your brother don’t you think it’s time for you to reunite with him and Raph. Honey your youngest brother is an alcoholic and starting to avoid you now. Your nephew is up to something and there’s no one to stop it. Amy fears her husband and their son already attacked her because she overheard his conversation with Camilla. There’s only one person to stop this and you know its Leo. Donnie please go talk to your brothers it’s time you do and you know I’m right. Here bring this with you its Lisa’s 13th birthday present. Tell her and your niece and nephew I love them and will see them soon.”

Don looks and sighs then he takes the package from her.

“Ok Angel you win. I’ll go just make sure our son practices something tells me he’ll be testing his skills sooner than he thinks. If my nephew has to fight my oldest nephew to get in then he’ll need help the foot are very sneaky. I know these things because we fought them so many times. Just help him and I’ll see you when I come back ok. I love you Angie see you in a bit. Oh and give him the scroll I’m going to teach him how to use his powers he’ll need them especially if my nephew knows how to use his wind power. I love you honey see you after I get back.”

She sighs as he exits the house toward his car. Mike Jr. spots Don and he glares.

“See Uncle Don one more test and I’m in and there’s no one that can stop me either. Cousin Leo is going to get hurt right after practice tomorrow afternoon. Then you’ll see me wear my head band proud. Now move out of my way I’m late for practice.”

Don glares.

“Excuse me young man you do not get a tone like that with me I’m your Uncle. We’ll see what happens when your Uncle Leo gets a hold of your father. We’ll see if no one can stop you from becoming a dishonorable ninja listen to me now Mike after I tell your Uncle you’ll be in trouble by your father. He finds out what you’re trying to become he’ll make sure you get hurt by both of your Cousins. You will not win that battle against your Cousin Leo his skills are unmatched just like his father’s and the difference is this he fights with honor and so does your Cousin Don I taught him no one else as for your Cousin Leo his dad taught him and guess what Mr. your Uncle Leo is a master swords man and ninja master just like your grandfather. Go and practice you’ll need it.”

Amy glares.

“No you won’t young man get your little ass in the house. I’ve had it with you and your disrespect. I’m your mother I said move it Mike now! Get in that house right now; its pass your curfew now march young man.”

He takes out a Chinese star and throws it at her making it slash her arm and runs off to Kamiah’s.

Don looks.

“He didn’t just do that to you Amy. You’re coming with me Amy it’s time we both talk to my brother Leo he’s not going to get away with that.”

She holds her arm and looks at the blood on her hand and sighs.

“I have lost control of my 14 ½ year old son. I actually fear him this is the 2nd time he came after me and I didn’t do a thing about it. Face it I’m not a good mother; I need to grow up.”

Don looks at the gash and puts his hand over it and closes his eyes. Then he repairs the skin with his healing powers.

“Ok Amy let’s go now. Leo needs to get through to my brother I hate seeing him drink like that. He’s killing himself and doesn’t seem to care either.”

They both get in and drive toward Celeste and Leo’s house. Don parks the car across the street and hits his watch and the alarm on his car. Lisa sees him and Amy coming and runs.

“Uncle Don and Aunt Amy I missed you so much. I love you so much. Where’s Uncle Mike?”

Don sighs.

“Sweetie you’ll see your Uncle soon here this is for you. Happy 13th birthday sweet heart I love you and so does your Aunt Angel she told me to tell you that she’ll see you soon.”

Leo Jr. and Reita also spot them and run to them both hugging them. Casey runs inside and screams.

“Uncle Leo and Uncle Raph it’s Aunt Amy and Uncle Don.”

Leo hears that and looks at Raph.

“See he came around. Where the shell is Mike his god daughter’s birthday is today?”

Raph shrugs.

“I have no idea where that shell for brains is. Come on Leo let’s go see Don it’s really been so long since we seen the braniac.”

Celeste, Sam, April and Casey follow as they go outside.

Don sees Leo and runs to him giving him a hug.

“Leo I’m so sorry for avoiding you 2 please forgive me. I just couldn’t deal with the pain of losing our father. I was so out of it that it’s not even funny. Ask Angel if it wasn’t for my sweet wife and my son comforting me I’d lose my mind by now. I heard about you know who sorry I wasn’t around to destroy her Leo please.”

Leo embraces him.

“It’s ok Don we forgave you already. It’s just so good to see you alive and well we were worried sick about you and Mike. Where have you 2 been all those years. How could you avoid us we’re brothers Don. Dad told us to stay together and you two just disappeared into thin air. Where’s Mikey?”

Don sighs and puts his head down.

“By his and Amy’s passed out like usual.”

Raph looks puzzled.

“Passed out meaning tired or drunk out of his mind? Don answer me is he still drinking. Don I’m serious tell us the truth please he’s our brother. If he has a drinking problem tell us already. He needs our support to stop his drinking.”

Don nods his head as he sits by the table sipping his wine cooler.

“That’s not the half of it. Our nephew is one test away from becoming a foot ninja. Get this Leo he has to fight your son. He already went after Amy twice because she yelled at him. She fears her own 14 ½ year old son. Bros I can’t do anything about it. Every time I try to talk to him he ignores me and drinks then he tells me to frig off! We used to be so close. You’re the only one that can get through to him he won’t listen to me or Amy.”

Leo sighs.

“Ok Don no problem. Listen to me now. When you see him tomorrow you tell him his drinking has to stop.





Family Ties



Mike looks at the beer he drank and buries his head. Then he goes upstairs to his and Amy’s bed passing out. Mike Jr. goes in their room and laughs quietly.

‘He’s drunk again time for me to practice for my last test against dear old Cousin Donny. After we fight and I beat him I’ll be a full fledged foot ninja and no one can stop me either.’

Don sits on the porch drinking his lemonade and watches as Mike Jr. walks down the street and disappears. His son exits the house and looks.

“You want to know where he’s off to. He’s going to practice for his last test to become a foot ninja and get this dad he needs to fight Cousin Leo even though he thinks it’s me he’s fighting. Camilla forgot to mention that part to him; so he has no idea what he’s messing with does he?”

Don nods his head in agreement.

“Nope he doesn’t come on Jr. it’s  time to continue your training. You still need help mastering your flying dragon am I right? Well I’ll show you how grandpa taught us and it should be a little easier for you to master. Let me get my Bo and I’ll meet you in the dojo ok. Go warm up and I’ll be right there I promise.”

Don Jr. nods his head and heads to the dojo. He looks at a photograph of his father, uncles, aunts, and grandpa and cries as he stares at Master Splinter holding the picture to his heart. He puts it down and washes off his face then he ties his head band around his brow. Then he uses his Bo and practices against the dummy shaped like a foot ninja. He tries to be as good as Don but knows that his dad didn’t really master his skills till he was 17 turning 18. He focuses and attempts to do the flying dragon and falls. Then he gets back up and attempts it again and falls once again.

‘What is wrong with me? Why can’t I get this thing right maybe if I focus a little more I’ll succeed? Well here I go again; come on let me get it right for once I’m almost 15 I should’ve mastered this move by now. Cousin Leo did and so did Cousin Lisa and Reita why can’t I?’

Don walks in and looks.

“Jr. watch me and see how it’s done. Pay close attention this flip is a ninja’s best escape plan. Your Uncles and I always used it when we tried to avoid getting hit by the foot’s stupid lasers.”

Don puts his Bo in his harness and jumps really high flipping back and ends up on the other side of the dojo and turns to his son.

“Go on now you try. Focus Jr. and you’ll do it. It took me a while to master my flying dragon. Your uncles mastered it with ease especially Leonardo he did it the 2nd time he tried.”

Don sees tears form in his dad’s eyes and looks walking by him to give him a hug.

“Dad if you miss them so much go see them. I think Uncle Leo and Uncle Raph would like to know where you’ve been. Mom has his address and his cell #; dad it’s been 12 years since you have spoken to them. I know you miss them I hear you cry every time you mention one of their names. Dad please for your own sake and Uncle Mike. He has a drinking problem and can’t see what his son is trying to become. The only one he’ll listen to is Uncle Leo. Aunt Amy can’t get through to him and they’re married 12 years. He ignores you and grabs another beer and yells at you for no reason when you’re only trying to be his elder brother and help him.  I’ll be in here practicing just in case Cousin Leo needs my help tomorrow when Mike makes his move.”

Don nods his head and hugs his son.

“Ok Jr. I’ll go by your Uncle’s house. Remember to focus and you’ll be fine. I’ll be back shortly. Let me get the address from mom.”

Don enters the house and Angel looks.

“Honey you were crying again weren’t you? I have their address; if you want it just ask me for it. He’s your brother don’t you think it’s time for you to reunite with him and Raph. Honey your youngest brother is an alcoholic and starting to avoid you now. Your nephew is up to something and there’s no one to stop it. Amy fears her husband and their son already attacked her because she overheard his conversation with Camilla. There’s only one person to stop this and you know its Leo. Donnie please go talk to your brothers it’s time you do and you know I’m right. Here bring this with you its Lisa’s 13th birthday present. Tell her and your niece and nephew I love them and will see them soon.”

Don looks and sighs then he takes the package from her.

“Ok Angel you win. I’ll go just make sure our son practices something tells me he’ll be testing his skills sooner than he thinks. If my nephew has to fight my oldest nephew to get in then he’ll need help the foot are very sneaky. I know these things because we fought them so many times. Just help him and I’ll see you when I come back ok. I love you Angie see you in a bit. Oh and give him the scroll I’m going to teach him how to use his powers he’ll need them especially if my nephew knows how to use his wind power. I love you honey see you after I get back.”

She sighs as he exits the house toward his car. Mike Jr. spots Don and he glares.

“See Uncle Don one more test and I’m in and there’s no one that can stop me either. Cousin Leo is going to get hurt right after practice tomorrow afternoon. Then you’ll see me wear my head band proud. Now move out of my way I’m late for practice.”

Don glares.

“Excuse me young man you do not get a tone like that with me I’m your Uncle. We’ll see what happens when your Uncle Leo gets a hold of your father. We’ll see if no one can stop you from becoming a dishonorable ninja listen to me now Mike after I tell your Uncle you’ll be in trouble by your father. He finds out what you’re trying to become he’ll make sure you get hurt by both of your Cousins. You will not win that battle against your Cousin Leo his skills are unmatched just like his father’s and the difference is this he fights with honor and so does your Cousin Don I taught him no one else as for your Cousin Leo his dad taught him and guess what Mr. your Uncle Leo is a master swords man and ninja master just like your grandfather. Go and practice you’ll need it.”

Amy glares.

“No you won’t young man get your little ass in the house. I’ve had it with you and your disrespect. I’m your mother I said move it Mike now! Get in that house right now; its pass your curfew now march young man.”

He takes out a Chinese star and throws it at her making it slash her arm and runs off to Kamiah’s.

Don looks.

“He didn’t just do that to you Amy. You’re coming with me Amy it’s time we both talk to my brother Leo he’s not going to get away with that.”

She holds her arm and looks at the blood on her hand and sighs.

“I have lost control of my 14 ½ year old son. I actually fear him this is the 2nd time he came after me and I didn’t do a thing about it. Face it I’m not a good mother; I need to grow up.”

Don looks at the gash and puts his hand over it and closes his eyes. Then he repairs the skin with his healing powers.

“Ok Amy let’s go now. Leo needs to get through to my brother I hate seeing him drink like that. He’s killing himself and doesn’t seem to care either.”

They both get in and drive toward Celeste and Leo’s house. Don parks the car across the street and hits his watch and the alarm on his car. Lisa sees him and Amy coming and runs.

“Uncle Don and Aunt Amy I missed you so much. I love you so much. Where’s Uncle Mike?”

Don sighs.

“Sweetie you’ll see your Uncle soon here this is for you. Happy 13th birthday sweet heart I love you and so does your Aunt Angel she told me to tell you that she’ll see you soon.”

Leo Jr. and Reita also spot them and run to them both hugging them. Casey runs inside and screams.

“Uncle Leo and Uncle Raph it’s Aunt Amy and Uncle Don.”

Leo hears that and looks at Raph.

“See he came around. Where the shell is Mike his god daughter’s birthday is today?”

Raph shrugs.

“I have no idea where that shell for brains is. Come on Leo let’s go see Don it’s really been so long since we seen the braniac.”

Celeste, Sam, April and Casey follow as they go outside.

Don sees Leo and runs to him giving him a hug.

“Leo I’m so sorry for avoiding you 2 please forgive me. I just couldn’t deal with the pain of losing our father. I was so out of it that it’s not even funny. Ask Angel if it wasn’t for my sweet wife and my son comforting me I’d lose my mind by now. I heard about you know who sorry I wasn’t around to destroy her Leo please.”

Leo embraces him.

“It’s ok Don we forgave you already. It’s just so good to see you alive and well we were worried sick about you and Mike. Where have you 2 been all those years. How could you avoid us we’re brothers Don. Dad told us to stay together and you two just disappeared into thin air. Where’s Mikey?”

Don sighs and puts his head down.

“By his and Amy’s passed out like usual.”

Raph looks puzzled.

“Passed out meaning tired or drunk out of his mind? Don answer me is he still drinking. Don I’m serious tell us the truth please he’s our brother. If he has a drinking problem tell us already. He needs our support to stop his drinking.”

Don nods his head as he sits by the table sipping his wine cooler.

“That’s not the half of it. Our nephew is one test away from becoming a foot ninja. Get this Leo he has to fight your son. He already went after Amy twice because she yelled at him. She fears her own 14 ½ year old son. Bros I can’t do anything about it. Every time I try to talk to him he ignores me and drinks then he tells me to frig off! We used to be so close. You’re the only one that can get through to him he won’t listen to me or Amy.”

Leo sighs.

“Ok Don no problem. Listen to me now. When you see him tomorrow you tell him his drinking has to stop.





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The characters Leonardo,Donatello,Raphael,Michelangelo,April ONeil, Casey Jones are property of Mirage Studios, and some characters are my own DO NOT STEAL!!!!!!!