Childhood Heroes
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Childhood Heroes Ch 4

By Leonardosgirl80


Jessie arrives at school by 11am and Alyssa approaches her.

“Oh hey Jess I have good news for you.”

Jessie looks up from her drawing and asks.

“What’s the good news? When am I going to meet the guy you’re so into? I mean Alyssa it’s been so many years before you decided to try again. But yet I still haven’t met him.”

She looks at Jessie.

“Well first of all my good news is I’ll be working with you starting today. The other part of my good news is you’ll meet him after school today him and his brother are picking us up because of Jon.”

“His brother ok are you trying to hook me up with another guy by any chance?”

“Yes I am. Jessie face it you can’t be without someone to trust you’re 24 for goodness sake.”

Jessie glares.

“Yea but I told you I gave up on love. Every freaking guy I get involved in turns out to be a jerk. Besides I’m still immature dreaming these weird dreams. No guy will be able to put up with my childish ways.”

Alyssa looks.

“Ok what kind of weird dream are you referring to if you don’t mind me asking?”

“No I don’t mind you asking. But promise you won’t laugh at me like Casey did please.”

Alyssa looks.

“Ok Jess I promise I won’t laugh calm down.”

Jessie takes a deep breath.

“Last night Jon tried to attack me again. I used my Chinese star and stabbed him. Then I took my car keys and took off towards April’s house because I was so scared. Besides you know that Jon has a key to my apartment.”

She sips her soda and looks.

“Yea when I told you not to give him a key because I didn’t trust him. But anyway continue I’m listening.”

She looks and continues.

“I get to April’s and tell her and Casey what he did to me. Casey picks up his shell cell and calls a friend of his. Then 20 minutes later I meet my child hood hero Leonardo and help him beat up Jon.”

“Ok so what’s so weird?”

“I’m not done Alyssa. Please just continue listening to me ok.”

“Ok Jessie I am. Go on continue.”

She takes another deep breath.

“Leo gets injured and I wrap his wound while he watches me by April’s while she and Casey go to my apartment to change my locks. We watch the classics with Lotus in them and become really good friends. Then later he makes pizza and we eat it. Then while I’m washing the dishes he dries them and our lips meet.”

Alyssa looks.

“Ok so what’s so weird about that? Leo has always been into human girls you should know that my goodness Jess we saw how he called April babe at the Coming Out Of Their Shells Concert at Radio City Music Hall. Besides in the classics Lotus was his girl.”

“Yea I know that Alyssa but why would he kiss me? I’m like 5 years younger than him. How can he like me he doesn’t hardly even know me?”

Alyssa laughs.

“Jessie he was always spying on you while you were by April’s shop. Face it Leonardo has a crush on you. Let me tell you one thing if you two kissed last night that means you also have a crush on him. You should give him a chance you know.”

Jessie looks confused.

“Ok who told you that he had a crush on me? Start talking Alyssa don’t lie to me either? Was it April or Casey?”

“No Jess it was his brother Raph and guess what he’s with me. That’s why I’m telling you that they will be here after school to pick us up.”

“You’re lying ok they will be here in the broad day light? Come on Alyssa they aren’t that dumb.”

She hands her a shell cell.

“Fine you don’t believe me use your shell cell and call Leo to ask him Ms. Know it all.”

“My shell cell are you kidding me? Omg you’re serious how am I supposed to call him I don’t know his shell cell #?”

“Jessie use the directory all their #s are there; just scroll down to Leo and hit it. That will automatically dial his.”

She looks and scratches her head.

“Ok here goes nothing. You better not be jiving Alyssa I’m not in the mood today.”

She takes her shell cell and opens it; then she scrolls down to Leo’s name and the # pops up. She presses the call button and watches as it dials his shell cell #.

Leo is practicing against Raph when he hears his shell cell ring.

“Oh wow its Jessie. Time out bro I’m going to answer it. Thanks for giving Alyssa the shell cell that Don made for Jessie.”

“No problem Leo. I’m going to put some pizza on I’m starving and I know that Mikey is also he’s in the living room eating chips because he’s too lazy to put the pizza in the microwave.”

Leo laughs.

“That’s Michelangelo for you. Wait Raph I think I just heard the timer go off. Maybe while we were practicing Mikey put it in the microwave and is eating the chips while he waits for the pizza to be done.”

Mike looks up.

“Yea I did. Aren’t you two hungry I know that I sure am and so is Don.”

Leo looks and sighs.

“Yea of course we are. Go on Mike I have to answer my shell cell.”

Mike looks puzzled.

“Who would be calling you at this time anyway? I mean April is at work and so is Casey.”

Raph looks at him.

“It’s Jessie shell for brains. Now go wake Don up while I get the pizza huh.”

“Ok I’m going you hot head.”

Raph enters the kitchen and takes out the pizza and slices it so they can eat.

Leo sits on the couch and answers.

“Yo Leo here what’s up Jessie? I can see that Alyssa gave you your shell cell. Are you ok? Sorry about running out this morning but Raph called me. Did I freak you out when we kissed?”

She looks and smiles.

“No of course not. I just thought I dreamt the whole thing that’s all. I mean face it Leo I’m 24 and you’re like 30.”

“So and by the way I’m not 30 I’m 27. You’re only 3 years younger than me Jess.”

She looks and smiles.

“Oh man I’m so dumb. Sorry bout that Leo in the series you 4 never aged I kind of got confused.”

He laughs.

“Yea we did but you never heard about it because it was called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles it’s not a big deal really. Anyway the bell just rang Raph and I will see you two after school ok Jess. If you want just call me my shell cell is always on. Love you babe Leo out.”

“Love you too Leo see you later.”

She hangs up her shell cell and puts it in her pocket.

“Yes I’m not single anymore. I can’t believe this I’m Leo’s girl wow pinch me Alyssa I must be dreaming.”

Alyssa laughs.

“No you’re not and here comes Jon let’s get to class before we both get in trouble. Or he starts his shit again!”

He grabs Jessie’s arm.

“Who the hell was that you were just talking to? Answer me Jessie I’m not playing with you.”

She yanks her arm from his grip.

“My boyfriend now leave me alone! I told you we are finished now get lost I have to get to class!”

He glares.

“Fine Jessie go to class but after I’ll get you. How dare you cheat on me with another guy! When I’m done with you you’ll be screaming my name because of the pain I’ll inflict on you and I’ll make sure you won’t be able to be with another guy. Then after I finish with you I’ll hurt that guy that you’re messing around on me with.”

Jessie laughs.

“Yea right Jon. You try it and watch what he does to you. Now if you’d excuse me I have to go to class now get out of my way.”

He moves and she and Alyssa walk to class together.

“Hey Alyssa how long are you with Raph anyway?”

“Umm it’ll be a year today why? Sorry I didn’t tell you but I promised I wouldn’t please don’t be mad at me Jess.”

She looks and laughs.

“I’m not mad at you just surprised that’s all.”

They sit in class and get to work on their project to be turned in today. Alyssa takes out the software from her laptop and puts in the computer in class. Then they put the finishing touches on it and hand it in for a grade.

“Well done Jessica and Alyssa you both receive an A. You two are so creative no wonder why you are in this class.”
Alyssa looks at Jessie.

“She really has no idea how creative we both are does she?”

Jessie laughs.

“Nope not a clue come on Alyssa the bell rang let’s go meet the guys.”

They both grab their book bags and head out to the Student Parking Lot where they are approached by Jon.

Jessie looks and looks up to see where they can be.

‘Oh no he’s late. This isn’t good at all I can’t get to my car if I do Jon will definitely attack me! Leo where the hell are you?’

Alyssa looks around also.

‘They said they’ll be here but I don’t see them anywhere. Jessie is in grave danger but I have no idea what to do. Raph where are you and Leo?’

Leo sneaks up behind Jessie and grabs her waist.

“I’m right here sweetie what’s wrong?”

She sees him and embraces him.

“Leo I can’t get to my car because Jon is waiting right by it. If I attempt to go to my car he’ll attack me again!”

Leo holds her in his arms and takes out a Chinese star and throws it right at him.

“Didn’t I tell you if you didn’t leave her alone you’d get ninja kicked by me personally? Well Jon did I or not?”

He looks around.

“Who is saying that damn it Jessie show yourself!”

Leo looks at him.

“It’s not Jessie talking to you it’s me your worst nightmare! Now either scram or I swear on my honor you’ll wish you never messed with my girl Jessie! Go on Jon look and see who is calling you out?”

Raph looks.

“Oh boy he’s pissed. This is going to get ugly come on Jessie and Alyssa you don’t want to see this believe me.”

Jessie looks up.

“Hey Raph I thought you were the only one with the temper not Leo.”

He laughs.

“Boy you really have no idea. His temper is ten times worse than mine he actually gets violent when he’s pissed; a very deadly ninja when you get him started!”

Jon lunges at Leo and he blocks his blade from hitting him.

“That’s it I’ve had it with you. Now it’s time I use my weapon no more Mr. Nice ninja!”

Leo unsheathes his katana and blocks Jon’s from hitting him. Jon lunges at him and he jumps up and ends up behind him.

“Behind you Purple Dragon Trash! Attack me if you dare! Go on Jon let’s see how skilled you are you LOSER!!”

“Why you green freak I’ll teach you to mess with me! Now prepare to die!! No one takes my girl and gets away with it!”

Leo looks.

“You didn’t just call me a freak! Now you have really had it. Now you’ll see how deadly of a ninja I can be! Take your best shot Jon!!”

Jon lunges at him and Leo knocks him on his back and holds the katana at his neck.

“Go On Jon make my day!”

He takes the same knife he used last night and tries to stab Leo again. Leo grabs it and breaks it in his hand. His katana penetrates his stomach.

“AHHHH……you green freak I can’t believe you did that! It’s getting dark….”

Leo pulls out his blade and wipes the blood from it and resheathes his katana. Raph looks at Jessie’s eyes and she faints and he catches her.

“Jessie snap out of it! Alyssa help me here I can’t get her to snap out of it. Damn it Leo nice you just scared the daylights out of Jessie I can’t get her awake.”

Leo looks and wipes off his chest that was stained with Jon’s blood. Alyssa hands him a wet towel so he can wipe it all off of his chest. He rinses the blood out of it and puts it on the side.

“Oh man just freaking nice. Now she’s definitely going to fear me.”

He walks by her and looks.

“Oh no Jessie snap out of it I’m sorry. I just had it with him come on wake up.”

She hears him calling her name and opens her eyes.

“What just happened? Where’s Leo?”

“I’m right here Jess I’m sorry you had to see that? Please don’t hate me I’m a ninja and get violent when I lose my temper he pushed me. I never killed anyone before but he wouldn’t stop!”

She grabs Raph’s hand and goes by him stroking his cheek.

“It’s Ok Leo I don’t hate you. I understand but I faint at the sight of blood and face it that was a lot of blood that gushed out of that creep!”

“Yea I know tell me about it.”

Raph looks and embraces Alyssa.

She looks up and their lips meet. Leo looks up and Jessie takes his hand.

“Come on Leo we’ll be late for work. Ok I met you and Raph when am I going to meet Don and Mike?”

He looks.

“After dark tonight.”








The characters Leonardo,Donatello,Raphael,Michelangelo,April ONeil, Casey Jones are property of Mirage Studios, and some characters are my own DO NOT STEAL!!!!!!!